Episode 33: The Pyramid of Resilience Building for Business Owners & Teams

It’s no surprise to me that I’m hearing more conversations about resilience lately, and having people come to me to support their work or their teams in understanding and building resilience. In times of rapid change and so much uncertainty, we need to get to grips with what it means to be resilient more than ever. We need to learn the tools and practices that can support us to manage ourselves through disappointment, tragedy, chaos and flux.

In this episode I want to share about is what I’m calling The Pyramid of Resilience Building; the structure that needs to be in place for sustainable growth, development, fulfillment and capacity.

As always, I’m here - willing to chat more - you can email me hello@melwiggins.com and if there’s anything I can do to go further with this and support you or your team in resilience building, and you can contact me for more details of what that could look like. I have training workshops and packages for teams and leaders that I’d love to share with you. And if you’re a female business owner keen to develop some of these tools to support the building of your business and you as the business owner, we do all of this in my four month brand builder programme which is open right now - check it out here!

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Episode 34: How To Regulate Stress & Build Resilience


Episode 32: Mindtrash, Other People’s Opinions & The Plague of Self-Consciousness